The 7 Secrets to Soulful Marketing

By Andrea Costantine

Have you ever wondered how you could grow your business more authentically and with more soul?  Well, it’s time you found out.
(Following is an excerpt from the book Soulful Marketing: Heart Centered Marketing for Conscious Entrepreneurs,which is being GIVEN away for FREE through May 20, 2011. Grab your copy here and read Sabrina’s chapter included in the book, Networking Is More Than A Numbers Game).

There are seven foundational essentials that are extremely important in order for the principles of Soulful Marketing to transform your business. These essentials include self-expression, a service mindset, heart based marketing, living your life purpose, having passion for your work, a desire to achieve big things – no regard for living a mediocre life – and a deep commitment to your success.

#1 Self-Expression

Self-expression is a pivotal part of having a thriving business.  There is no point in having a business that leaves you feeling drained, unappreciated, and lacks creativity. Self-expression comes in many forms and is unique to each individual. That in itself is the beauty of it. One person may feel fully self-expressed building websites all day, while another needs to paint, write, or speak. Self-expression is the core truth of who you are and what you stand for.  Knowing what you value and living these values in your daily life is the key to self-expression. A business that doesn’t allow you the room to create from the deepest levels of who you are will leave you feeling drained, burned out, and exhausted.

#2 Service Mindset

A service-mindset, which I will go into more detail about later, is the way to remove the neediness out of your business, take the selling out of your offer, and allow you to “serve” your soul-market. A service mindset eliminates the worry of whether or not a prospect will buy or take advantage of your products. It is also the secret behind creating magnetic energy that attracts clients to you – effortlessly.

#3 Heart Based Marketing

Heart based-marketing is about tapping into the core of who your soul-clients are, figuring out what problems you can solve for them, what you do to bring value to their lives and then speaking and marketing to them in a way that shows you are the solution to their challenges. This is marketing without fear. You do not need to use the typical fear style marketing that many businesses use in the world today. Instead, you can reach people at a soul level in order to inspire them to purposeful action.

#4 An Expression of Your Purpose

Your business must be an expression of your life purpose. Having a business solely to make money without regard for the product or services that you are offering, cannot work under the Soulful Marketing paradigm.  Each person’s life purpose is defined differently, and if you are unsure of whether or not you are living your life purpose, I highly suggest you take advantage of the many ways in which you can discover this powerful life changing information.

Without knowing your true life purpose, it’s all too easy to flounder in your business and wane back and forth on the direction you would like to go. Knowing your life’s purpose will help you move forward faster and with more confidence. I must admit when I first discovered these things about myself, I realized it was my right and responsibility to fulfill my divine destiny. It adds clarity to your business – even if you aren’t sure of “how” you will live it after you have “discovered yourself.”

#5 Passion

Passion and purpose tie in together. Without one you cannot have the other. Sadly, there are times when I come across someone who has lost their passion for their work. Passion is required for your business; otherwise, it’s all too easy not to send out that marketing email, not to make that phone call, to hide behind administrative work, and not to put yourself out there. Passion is the key that drives you. If you can keep your passion high and practice proper self-care to illuminate your soul, you can make it through the difficult times and overcome adversity and fears that are a natural part of being an entrepreneur.

#6 Strong Desire to Live Big

Those who implement Soulful Marketing must have a strong desire to do big things with their life and business and refuse to settle with living a mediocre life. I am serious when I say that if you are okay with living a mediocre life then this is not the book and way for you. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with mediocrity – in fact, some days I crave it – but in general, if you aren’t committed to playing out fully in your life and achieving the biggest possible vision for yourself – finding success as a soulful entrepreneur will be almost impossible.

#7 Commitment

Lastly, you need a deep commitment to your work. Without this commitment it is impossible to achieve your aspirations as there will be days, moments, or even weeks when the going will get tough. It is only with commitment that you can fight back and resist the urge to walk out on your dreams.

            When it comes to implementing the work presented in this book, it is critical that you assess whether your business meets these seven essential foundations of Soulful Marketing. If you find that you are lacking in even one area, seek out support to bridge the gap. It’s only when all seven of these principles are in action that you will prosper and your business will grow.

Be sure to download the FREE ebook of Soulful Marketing: Heart Centered Marketing from Conscious Entrepreneurs at   – only available until midnight 5/20.11.

Andrea Costantine is the co-creator of Speaking Your Truth: Courageous Stories from Inspiring Women and How to Bring Your Book to Life This Year: An Exploratory Guidebook on Writing and Self-Publishing. Andrea is passionate about service, self-expression, and creativity and enjoys unleashing that spirit in others. Andrea is a professional freelance writer, author, speaker, and artist. She resides in Denver, CO.

(c) 2011 Behind The Moon, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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The Players – Which Role Will You Play Today?

By Sabrina Risey

Get Out And Network!  Whether new to networking or seasoned, the art of networking can push professionals outside their comfort zone.  Many freeze in their tracks, overwhelmed with worry and insecurity of the “unwritten rules” of networking.  But rather than “Networking Rules,” I like to talk about “Networking Roles.”  When you understand your role, like a part in a play or a position on a baseball team, the anxiety and pressure of networking is lifted.

Consider which role you might play at any given time: the Inviter, the Invited or the Regular Networker.

The Inviter.  A great way to give back to your business colleagues, peers, friends and vendors is to let them know about networking events going on in the area and invite them to attend with you.  As the Inviter, your role is one of trusted liaison and caretaker of your guest.  The Inviter’s mission is to introduce their guest to connections, perhaps targeting those who share a similar target market as their guest.  For example, if your guest is a graphic designer, they would appreciate introductions to those in the printing industry, web designers, new start-up business owners, marketing and brand specialists, and so forth.  If your guest connects with someone in a conversation, excuse yourself to network with others, keeping a watchful eye and reuniting with your guest if they do not engage in a conversation with someone else.

The Invited Newcomer.  Before you leave your office to network, be sure to pat yourself on the back for stepping outside of your comfort zone.  Then focus on your goal for networking… to make new connections and form relationships.  A mistaken belief about networking is that it is a quick fix to business growth and an opportunity to sell widgets and close deals.  While this may be an impulse at networking events, hard selling actually pushes people away.  Instead, networking is a longer-term solution.  As you network, focus on meeting people, being genuine, having quality conversations and building relationships. Remember that people enjoy doing business and referring business to people they know and trust.  If you are a first-time guest, let people know and ask them how things work.  People generally like to help newcomers.  As a guideline, consider yourself a gatherer of information and ask questions, engaging others in conversation.

The Regular Networker.  The skilled and effective networker takes themselves out of the equation and focuses on the interests and offerings of others.  As a “regular” at a particular networking event, be the one to greet newcomers with a smile and make them feel comfortable, asking them about their business.  Everyone’s favorite topic of conversation is themselves.   Ask how they got into their line of work and what they enjoy most about it.  Get to know them on a personal level by asking what they enjoy doing in their spare time and take it from there.  Set yourself apart by taking an interest in getting to know this first-time guest, what their needs are and how or if you can be of service.  Find out who their ideal power partner or their target market is and immediately begin thinking about who you know and whether you can facilitate an introduction to someone present at the event.  Imagine how great it would feel to help someone by sharing resources and information with them.  Taking these extra steps will go a long way and the newcomer will always remember your kindness.

Regardless of your role – the Inviter, the Invited Newcoming or the Regular Networker – the premise in the end is to build relationships at every turn.  I like to say, “those who make the most friends, win” because building relationships actually builds your entire network.  The more trusting relationships you have, the more “business friendships” you have, the more resources and connections to which you have access and the more referrals you receive as your connections begin to think of you, their friend, first and most often.

(c) 2011 Behind The Moon, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Feel free to share this article in its entirety and include the Bio information below along with live link back to this blog post.  Thank you.

Sabrina Risley founded Behind The Moon, Inc.® in 2003, a Colorado-based networking and referral group organization that sets itself apart with its motto “grow your business by helping others grow theirs.” Behind The Moon offers several networking events across Colorado’s Front Range, as well as referral groups that attract professionals who network to give rather than get.  You will find Sabrina speaking to audiences about effective networking techniques, the power of partnerships, and principles of service and giving as a means to grow a business.  To learn more about Behind The Moon, please visit